Queue Length Survey
Understanding the importance of traffic queue length at specific locations can aid in your work tremendously. For short-term monitoring, having technicians on-site manually assessing and recording the lengths of traffic can be useful for gathering data quickly, reports can then be returned much sooner. Longer larger-scale surveys require cameras to monitor the queues owing to their complexity.
By conducting Queue Length surveys we can quickly learn how traffic accumulates over time. This is crucial in development proposals.
Delivery method:
Our client required a Turning Movement Count to model a particular roundabout for a future development however it was also important for them to show that the current volumes of traffic were not creating an unreasonable amount of queuing on the arms of the junction. They therefore asked us to conduct a Queue Length Survey. Using video cameras to record the arms, we were able to determine the true length of the queues.
The data showed that although there was a steady amount of traffic throughout the day the queuing never built up beyond a reasonable point helping to support the proposals set out by our client.